Donations Your financial support or donation of books and materials is always welcome by Washington County Library System at our Greenville and Leland branches. We are sorry, but we are not able to accept book donations at our small branches. Any size donation is appreciated and your personal and financial information will be kept confidential. And remember, your gift is tax-deductible.
Memorials and Honorariums Donations may be made to the Library for the purchase of materials and other items. When a donation is received as a memorial or honorarium, the donor may designate the material or type of material to be purchased. Acknowledgement of the gift is sent to the family of the deceased or the honoree, as well as the donor. A book plate is placed in the book indicating the book was donated in memory of the deceased or in honor of the honoree. The type of book ordered will be based upon the
interests of the deceased or the wishes of the donor, as well as the needs
of the library. If the donor does not specify a book or subject for a
specific use of the donation, it will be used for whatever materials,
equipment, or programs are of greatest need for the library at the
discretion of the library director .
Friends of the Library: Donations of Books and Materials The Friends of the Library encourage gifts of books, music, recorded books, and movies. Some of these gifts are kept for the library’s collection, based on the need for the materials. Materials that the library already owns or are not kept for the library collection for other reasons are sold on the Friend's Booksale Table to benefit the library.
Planned Gifts Planned giving options to consider include:
Matching Gifts Some employers will match their employees’ donations. Be sure to check with your employer about matching gift policies.